Admission & Withdrawals

1. Admission

The names of children seeking admission are registered in the month of March

Admission of such children who are coming with T.C. from other Army Public School consequent upon the transfer of their parents are made throughout the year subject to the fulfillment of other conditions laid down by the school will be admitted after taking admission test and availability of seats in the class. The admission test shall be held in the following subject

  1. Class I to III : English, Hindi Maths.

  2. Class IV to V : English, Hindi, Maths, Science

  3. Class VI to XI : English, Maths , Hindi, Science and S.Sc.

  4. Class IX to XII : respective subjects

2. Withdrawals

A student can be withdrawn from the school on seven days notice in writing. The School leaving certificate to such student shall ordinarily be issued within 7 days of submission of the application duly completed in all respect and up to date Payment of school dues.

3. Fees , Funds & Fine

Fees will be charged quarterly. The fees will be deposited in State Bank of Patiala, Kandrori.

Students/Guardians are requested to deposit fee each quarter in advance by 10th of first month of the quarter. The dates would be as

  1. April, May and June by 10th April. (including Annual Charges)

  2. July, August, September by 10th July

  3. October, November and December by 10th October.

  4. January, February and March by 10th January.

3. If Fees are not paid by due date, late fee will be charged as under :-

  1. Upto 20th of current month Rs. 20/-

  2. Upto one month Rs. 50/-

  3. Upto two months Rs. 100/-

  4. Upto three months Rs. 150/-

Note:-If fees and fine are not paid for three consecutive months the name of the students will be struck off from rolls.